Railways and Tramways of Australia
EMU (Electric Multiple Unit)

EMU (Electric Multiple Unit) Set 88 with a Shorncliffe-bound service, Norman Park, 14 January 2018.
Road numbers:
DT301–4, DT306–59, DT380–8, M201–4, M206–88, DM101–4, DM106–88, T460–79
Set numbers:
01–04, 06–88
Queensland Rail
1067 mm
Year of entry into service:
Number built:
ASEA Brown Boveri, Walkers Limited
Manufacturing location:
Maryborough, Qld
35.2 t (DT301–59, DT380–8: driving trailer car); 42.8 t (M201–59, M280–8: motor car); 41.4 t (DM101–59, DM180–8: driving motor car); 42.0 t (M260–79: motor car), 37.0 t (DM160–79: driving motor car); 34.5 t (T460–79: trailer car)
23.3m (DT301–59, DT380–8: driving trailer car, DM101–88: driving motor car, T460–79: trailer car); 23.1 m (M201–88: motor car)
80 (DM101–88: driving motor car, DT301–59, DT380–8: driving trailer car, T460–79: trailer car); 88 (M201–88: motor car)
The EMU (Electric Multiple Unit) trains commenced service with the inauguration of electrification in Queensland in 1979. They operate throughout the Brisbane suburban area as three or six-car trains. Sets 01–13 have a smooth roof, while Sets 14–88, which were built from 1983 to 1986, have a corrugated roof. Most sets consist of a driving motor car, motor car and a driving trailer car. Sets 60–79 consist of a driving motor car, motor car and a trailer car, and thus have a driver’s cab at only one end, so operate with two sets combined to form a six-carriage train. A total of 88 sets entered service but Set 05 has been scrapped. Many of the EMUs have now been retired from service.