Railways and Tramways of Australia
Alamein Line

Alamein station with X’Trapolis 100 train, 19 December 2017.
Year Opened:
Camberwell–Alamein 1890
Riversdale, Willison, Hartwell, Burwood, Ashburton, Alamein
Typical Journey Time:
27 minutes (Flinders Street–Alamein); 12 minutes (Camberwell–Alamein)
Typical Peak Frequency:
15 minutes
Typical Off-peak Frequency:
15 minutes
Typical Weekend Frequency:
20 minutes
The Alamein line is a branch line that extends to the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. It branches off the Belgrave and Lilydale lines at Camberwell, and was built as part of the now-closed Outer Circle line. The Alamein line is double track between Camberwell and Ashburton, and then single track between Ashburton and the terminus. Most services on the line operate as a shuttle service between Camberwell and Alamein, with trains running directly from the city during peak hours. Trains on the Alamein line stop at all stations. Morning peak services run anticlockwise around the City Loop and afternoon peak trains run clockwise. Off-peak and weekend services do not operate directly to and from the city.