Railways and Tramways of Australia

Anzac station under construction, April 2020. Image used with permission of Rail Projects Victoria.
Arden station under construction, October 2020. Image used with permission of Rail Projects Victoria.
New Railway Stations for Victoria
David Matheson
8 November 2020
New railway stations are under construction or planned for various locations within Victoria. Some will be built on existing lines and others are part of new railway projects.
Bendigo and Echuca Line Upgrade
The Bendigo and Echuca Line Upgrade project is part of Victoria’s Regional Rail Revival. It will include three new stations, to be located at Goornong, Huntly and Raywood.
In addition to the new stations, the Bendigo and Echuca Line Upgrade also includes a planning study for the reopening of Harcourt station, which closed in 1982 and is located between Castlemaine and Kangaroo Flat. Each of the new stations will have a single-sided platform, car parking, shelter and seating.
Goornong is on the Echuca line between Epsom and Elmore, and is north of the site of another of the new stations at Huntly. Goornong station will be located between the railway line and the Midland Highway, to the west of the Chute Street/Goornong-Barnadown Road level crossing. Its platform will be on the southern side of the railway line. The new station is planned to be operational before the end of 2021.
Huntly is on the Echuca line between Epsom and Elmore, and is south of the site of another of the new stations at Goornong. Huntly station will be located west of the Wakeman Road level crossing and will include a bus stop with two bus bays. Its platform will be on the northern side of the railway line. The new station is planned to be operational in the middle of 2022.
Raywood is on the Swan Hill line between Eaglehawk and Dingee. Raywood station will be located on Inglewood Street, north of the level crossing. Its platform will be on the eastern side of the railway line. The new station is planned to be operational before the end of 2022.
Metro Tunnel
Metro Tunnel is a major rail infrastructure project which comprises twin nine-km rail tunnels from South Kensington through the Melbourne CBD to South Yarra. It includes five new underground stations: Arden, Parkville, State Library, Town Hall and Anzac, as well as a train–tram interchange at Anzac station. Metro Tunnel will enable more trains to operate in and out of the CBD, providing for an additional 39,000 more passengers across the suburban railway network in peak times. Stations on the Melbourne Metro line are being built with platforms of 240 metres in length, enabling the operation of 10-car trains. Rail Projects Victoria (RPV) has responsibility for delivery of Metro Tunnel, with work being undertaken by various contractors. The cost of the project is $11 billion and it is on track to be completed by 2025.
Five new underground stations will be built as part of the Metro Tunnel project. A naming process was commenced in August 2017 and generated over 50,000 suggestions from the public. An advisory panel compiled a shortlist, and the final names selected by the State Government were among the most popular names suggested.
Arden station will be located near the corner of Arden Street and Laurens Street in North Melbourne. It is opposite the North Melbourne Recreation Reserve, which includes Arden Street Oval.
Parkville station will be located under Grattan Street, near the corner of Royal Parade. Its name comes from the local education, research and health precinct that includes the University of Melbourne, the Royal Melbourne Hospital, the Royal Women’s Hospital and the Royal Children’s Hospital. It is also located near Royal Park and Melbourne Zoo.
State Library
State Library station will be located beneath Swanston Street, between La Trobe and Franklin Streets. The State Library of Victoria was established in 1854 and is Australia’s oldest public library. Its forecourt is a popular Melbourne meeting place and the station will be located directly opposite the library. Over site developments above State Library station will include student housing and other accommodation, education facilities and retail.
Town Hall
Town Hall station will be located beneath Swanston Street, between Collins and Flinders Streets. It will have an entrance directly opposite the Town Hall on Collins Street. The current town hall was opened in 1870 and is the venue for a range of performances and exhibitions. Over site developments above Town Hall station will include retail outlets and office accommodation.
Anzac station will be located beneath St Kilda Road, near the edge of the Shrine of Remembrance Reserve. Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance was opened in 1934 to honour Victorian who served in the First World War, but is now a memorial to all Australians who have served in any war. The station’s name honours the Anzac spirit of military service.
An interactive map of the Metro Tunnel project, with concept images of the five stations can be viewed at <http://metrotunnel.u-c.com.au/iMapV5/index.html>.
Melbourne Airport Rail
A detailed business case is being developed for a route via Sunshine to Melbourne Airport. The Victorian Government has indicated support for the project and the Australian Government has agreed to contribute funding. Investigation and delivery of the line would be carried out by Rail Projects Victoria (RPV). Construction is expected to begin in 2022 and take up nine years. A new station will be built at Melbourne Airport, but it has not been determined what intermediate stations will be located between Sunshine and Melbourne Airport.
Suburban Rail Loop
The Suburban Rail Loop is a proposed new rail line through Melbourne’s suburbs. Although described as a circle, it is actually more of a semi-circle, with Werribee in the western suburbs at one end and Cheltenham in the south-eastern suburbs at the other end. It proceeds via Sunshine, Melbourne Airport, Broadmeadows, Fawkner, Reservoir, Heidelberg, Box Hill, Glen Waverley and Clayton. The line would be up to 90 km in length and be mostly underground. There will be some new stations, as well as connections with existing stations. Superhubs, where the Suburban Rail Loop connects with regional lines, will be located at Sunshine, Broadmeadows and Clayton. It is projected that by 2051 the Suburban Rail Loop will be Melbourne’s busiest railway line with over 400,000 passengers per day. The Suburban Rail Loop Authority will oversee design and delivery of the project. Stage 1 is planned to be the south-east section from Cheltenham to Box Hill. Planning began in 2019, with construction work to begin by 2022.
Proposed new stations on the Suburban Rail Loop will be located at Melbourne Airport, Bundoora, Doncaster, Burwood and Monash. Precise locations of these stations will be determined as part of the ongoing planning process.
‘New stations’, Regional Rail Revival, https://regionalrailrevival.vic.gov.au/bendigoechuca/new-stations.
‘Upgrading the Bendigo and Echuca line’, Regional Rail Revival, https://regionalrailrevival.vic.gov.au/bendigoechuca.
Metro Tunnel, www.metrotunnel.vic.gov.au.
‘Metro Tunnel’, Victoria’s Big Build, www.bigbuild.vic.gov.au/projects/metro-tunnel.
Melbourne Airport Rail, www.airportrail.vic.gov.au.
‘Melbourne Airport Rail’, Victoria’s Big Build, www.bigbuild.vic.gov.au/projects/melbourne-airport-rail.
Suburban Rail Loop, www.suburbanrailloop.vic.gov.au.
‘Suburban Rail Loop’, Victoria’s Big Build, www.bigbuild.vic.gov.au/projects/suburban-rail-loop.

Concept image of Parkville station showing platforms. Image used with permission of Rail Projects Victoria.

Concept image of State Library station entrance. Image used with permission of Rail Projects Victoria.