Railways and Tramways of Australia
Thornlie Line

Transperth A Series train at Thornlie, preparing to head back to Perth, 15 January 2006. Photo: M Johnson, Wikimedia Commons.
Year Opened:
Cannington–Thornlie 2005
Typical Journey Time:
23 minutes (Perth–Thornlie); 5 minutes (Cannington–Thornlie)
Typical Peak Frequency:
15 minutes
Typical Off-peak Frequency:
15 minutes
Typical Weekend Frequency:
30 minutes
The Thornlie line is a short branch line from from between Beckenham and Kenwick on the Armadale line, and the lines are combined in timetables. It is single track, with the exception of two tracks at the terminus. The Midland–Kwinana dual gauge freight railway runs adjacent to the Thornlie line. Services on the Armadale line typically alternate between services terminating at Armadale and services terminating at Thornlie. Thornlie services typically stop at all stations between Perth and Thornlie. The Western Australian Government’s Metronet policy proposes the extension of the Thornlie line to link with the Mandurah line.