Railways and Tramways of Australia
Upfield Line

Looking towards the city from platform 2 at Coburg railway station, 16 June 2012. Photo: Marcus Wong, Wikimedia Commons.
Year Opened:
North Melbourne–Coburg 1884; Coburg–Upfield 1889
Macaulay, Flemington Bridge, Royal Park, Jewell, Brunswick, Anstey, Moreland, Coburg, Batman, Merlynston, Fawkner, Gowrie, Upfield
Typical Journey Time:
36 minutes (Flinders Street–Upfield)
Typical Peak Frequency:
20 minutes
Typical Off-peak Frequency:
20 minutes
Typical Weekend Frequency:
20 minutes
The Upfield line extends to the northern suburbs of Melbourne. It is double track from North Melbourne as far as Gowrie, and single track over the last section between Gowrie and the terminus. Services on the Upfield line stop at all stations. Weekday trains run clockwise around the City Loop until the middle of the day and then anticlockwise after this time, also running clockwise on weekends. The line previously extended to Somerton on the Craigieburn line, and reinstatement of this link is listed as a long-term project.