Railways and Tramways of Australia
X'Trapolis 100

X’Trapolis 100 train with 137M leading, approaching Jolimont station, 19 December 2017.
Road numbers:
1M–288M, 851M–986M, 1301T–1444T, 1626T–93T
Set numbers:
Metro (Metro Trains Melbourne)
1600 mm
Year of entry into service:
Number built:
Manufacturing location:
La Rochelle, France (851M–66M, 1626T–34T); Ballarat, Victoria (867M–986M, 1635T–93T); Savigliano, Italy (1M–72M, 1301T–36T); Katowice, Poland (73M–220M, 1337T–1410T)
43.3 t (M: motor car); 35.5 t (T: trailer car)
23.6 m (M: motor car); 21.8 m (T: trailer car)
86 (M: motor car); 92 (T: trailer car)
Metro’s X’Trapolis 100 Electric Multiple Unit trains first entered service in December 2002. While the first ten three-car sets were completely assembled at La Rochelle in France, the remaining carriages of the first order had their shells manufactured at La Rochelle and assembly took place at Ballarat in Victoria. Subsequent orders were placed after the first deliveries, with assembly in Europe and final fitting out at Ballarat. The X’Trapolis 100 trains operate in three-car sets, with a trailer in between two motor cars. Pantographs are located on the trailer cars and as a result there is only one pantograph per three-car set. Two sets are combined to form a six-car train. Their maximum speed is 130 km/h. They operate on the Belgrave, Lilydale, Alamein, Glen Waverley, Hurstbridge and Mernda lines, with the exception of one set which runs on the Frankston Line. Further X’Trapolis 100 trains were ordered in 2015, 2016 and 2018.